Apples - the REAL super fruit!
2:31 PM | Author: thenewmiranda
(You can also watch this video on Youtube! Click Here!)

Apples – they are a supermarket staple and a crisper drawer celebrity. They’re easy to get all year and you always have flexibility to choose what kind of apple you want. Crisp, sweet, tart; apples for baking, boiling, snacking even juicing! They provide a lot of variety, but that’s not all they are able to provide.

Apples are an excellent healthy choice. They are a source of antioxidants and fibre; soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fibre helps to move food through the digestive tract quickly and easily and therefore reduces colon cancer risk. The soluble part of an apple, the pectin, also reduces cholesterol buildup in the arteries. Studies have even suggested that apples may reduce the risk of prostate and lung cancer. Another bonus to the pectin (much like any fibre) is that it has been reported to act as an appetite suppressant. Besides, a small/medium apple is far under 100 calories, so it won’t make a huge dent in your daily calorie bank!

You know, there’s a reason that the cliché “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!” never seems to get old.

And that’s your five minutes of fruit for Friday the 13th!
(Watch for a delicious low calorie apple recipe that will have your friends and family wishing they were eating healthier too!)

[ its red meat day! I am STOKED for steak! Just remember to trim the fat and fill at least half your plate with healthy veg!   Ciao Bellas!]
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