Guten Morgen... or is it?
8:33 AM | Author: thenewmiranda
Nah, it is. Its a nice sunny day outside and I'm still breathing. It technically could be worse. 

Alright, so I went and tracked down a measuring tape (thanks Gramma!) so I could share the nitty gritty with you. But before i dump my measurements all over the interwebs, I thought I would share that I'm down to 296 now! /cheer!  At this rate, in six months ill be Twiggy! I kid, I kid.  I completely chalk that whole 1lb weight loss to the bathroom scrubbing I did yesterday.  No, my bathroom wasn't that dirty! I'm just a bit - retentive - you can say.  Anyway, I digress. I'll have my mini celebration over a slice of turkey and some peas in a few minutes. Nom Nom Nom!

The Good. The Bad. The Ugly.

I have never had to measure myself before - someone always did it for me. So, I found a nice little guide online to show me the places that I should see the most weight loss and how to properly measure them.  For all those following along at home, its chest, bicep, waist, hips, thigh.  I know there are other areas like calf etc, but I want the basics. Remember, *I* like things easy and I don't like to get obsessive.

Here is the link I went to - Measurements

(Now, I don't endorse anything else on the website because I haven't looked into it. I also haven't downloaded the program and I will not comment on whether or not it is effective or full of viruses. Use at your own risk!)

Without further adieu, I bring you the Bad and the Ugly!

Chest - 125 cm/ 49.2 in
Bicep - 37 cm/ 14.6 in
Waist - 129 cm/50.8 in
Hips - 143 cm/56.3 in
Thigh - 80 cm/31.5 in

And as a hilarious point of reference, my Head is 57 cm/22.4 inches. Yeah thats right, my thigh is bigger than my head....but not for long!

So there they are, and I promise you I didn't fudge them or suck it in or whatever it is we all do to make ourselves feel better.  It is of absolutely NO benefit to me to lie about my measurements - it just feeds the delusion. 
I'm going to wait a week and see what happens, remeasure and then wait for a month. I'd like to focus on the belly fat just to see if this Relacore business is as awesome at kicking my fat out as it is at kicking out my anxiety.  I'll keep you all updated.

And now, for the Good!

I've decided to start a small video blog.  I figure its gotta be hard to believe its working for someone when you can't see the results.  (Secretly, its also easier than typing a lot! AND it gives me an excuse to do my makeup lol!)  So, you can all go and follow my YOUTUBE! channel.

Ok, so I'm gonna go and use that excuse to do my makeup, do a little vidblog for you all, and then get out in this sun before it goes away for a few months!

Ciao Bellas!
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